FROM Saturday 1st April, you will find 2023’s Pool Crew on duty at Bude Sea Pool, in line with the RNLI lifeguards.

This year we have six members of the team, led by Pool Manager Deb Rosser. They are: Chris Menlove Platt, David Shelvey, Elaine Viner, Nicola Matthews, Sayer Clarke and Steve South.

Welcome to Sayer and Steve in their first season. And thank you to everyone else returning.

AGM 2023

On Sunday 26th March, FoBSP held its Annual General Meeting at the Falcon Hotel. There was a great turn out of Friends and the Charity would like to thank those who were able to attend. The minutes will be made available in due course. There is much change in the organisation. We lost our very dear colleague, Gill Cannon. Longstanding member of staff Fay Hargreaves has submitted her resignation after many years of committed service. Stella James was voted in as a new Trustee.

Following the AGM, we had a splendid presentation from Ian Robson who is undertaking his Photography degree at Falmouth University on the topic of Bude Sea Pool. Look out for more of his work in this year’s annual handbook and the latest membership leaflet.

New Vacancy – Sales Manager

A new Sales Manager will be appointed in due course. Recruitment for the position is underway with the deadline for applications being 14th April 2023. For more information including a job description and application pack, please

visit the website.

Other news this month includes a visit from Kirk England and BBC Spotlight who came to speak to FoBSP about the importance of clean bathing water to Bude Sea Pool and the town.

Easter Extravaganza - Sunday

9th April 12-2pm

Don’t miss out on this fantastic event down at Bude Sea Pool itself. There will be a Fancy Dress and an Easter Bonnet Competition, a Pool and Beach Treasure Hunt, an Easter Egg Hunt around the Pool and Terraces, as well as refreshments, Easter-themed cakes and even Easter Bunny Soup (carrot and coriander!).

Live Conditions

Pool Crew, Shop Volunteers and staff are often asked when’s the best time to swim and what are the conditions. In response, we’ve created a Live Conditions which automatically updates daily and is your one stop shop for: Webcams of Summerleaze, as provided by Bude and Stratton Town Council and Zuma Jay The water temperature of the Atlantic (always a few degrees warmer than the Pool itself) The timing of Hide Tides and when we recommend you avoid using the pool.

For regular updates on the Pool temperature, please see the Bude Sea Pool Facebook and Instagram accounts.


As set out in the Articles of Association, the documents that govern Friends of Bude Sea Pool, the charity is a member-based organisation.

As such our members, or Friends, for a nominal fee, not only support the Charity with their subs, they also have the right to vote on key decisions at the Annual General Meeting and other issues.

As a result of the fantastic response rate to changing two clauses in the Articles in early Spring, we have developed a password- protected page of our website for Friends only.

This means that we can host other surveys and votes in a confidential manner.

We will plan to make an electronic copy of the handbook available to Friends and you will also be able to update your contact details from here also. The page is currently under development and the password will be sent to all Friends with the hard copy of their annual Handbooks later this Spring.

To become a Friend and get involved, please visit

Going electronic

A huge amount of money is spent each year on paper, printing and postage. While the Charity appreciates that not everyone wishes or is able to conduct business electronically, we thank those who are supporting these cost-savings in their method of fee payment and receiving electronic communications (whether emails or e-handbooks).