Hundreds of Cornish residents, including those from Camelford, Bude and Wadebridge, went to London by bus and train and electric car over last weekend to join in four days of mass actions organised by Extinction Rebellion.

The event was shared with over 200 organisations including Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and major trades unions, as well as faith groups, social justice campaigners, and individuals concerned at “the lack of action by government to address the ongoing Climate and Ecological Emergency”.

XR had announced recently that, for the immediate future, actions would be less disruptive, so more people would feel able to join in protesting.

Providing a timeline of events a spokesperson said: “Last Friday’s highlight was Unite to Survive when Westminster was filled with flags, banners and people, including pickets by over 130 organisations at over 40 ministeries and lobby group HQs. Hundreds of Cornwall residents picketed DEFRA, renamed DEATHRA, delivered letters, listened to speeches, and shared experiences and knowledge. Faith groups came together for a No Faith in Fossil Fuels service; scientists explained the latest IPCC report - and the scandalous state of our waters, the failure to protect soil for the future, and the fact that despite pledges to be net zero by 2050, the government has yet to implement any policies that would allow that deadline to be met.

“Saturday, April 22, is Earth Day, which was the opportunity to celebrate with a March for Biodiversity which is reducing in the face of human-created extinction. Tens of thousands of people gathered in Parliament Square, often dressed in bright and imaginative costumes with placards and banners - some of the Cornish contingent dressed as choughs. There were babies, small and bigger children, teenagers, youngsters, right through to people in their 80s and 90s. It was a joyous occasion, though very slow moving as the head of the march had to wait to re-enter Parliament Square because so many people kept arriving to join the end of it! The march ended with a mass die-in to dramatise what is already happening globally, and will continue to escalate as temperatures rise, waters rise, and the number of severe weather events increase.

“Sunday’s action - Running out of Time! - was co-ordinated with the London Marathon. Despite media lies about plans to disrupt it, XR had worked with the marathon organisers to ensure both events went ahead smoothly. 20,000 pink paper boats were delivered to the Home Office to show that scapegoating refugees is not everyone’s idea of creating a safe and just society.”

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