In response to the report on the front page of the Cornish & Devon on Wednesday, November 1, my letter as follows.

I am pleased to read the Health Inequality Hub is due to open early in 2024, I know there is a public car at Race Hill which may be difficult for those that have problems in walking up and down the hill to the car park so parking bays will be required in line with other parking area in Exeter Street.

As a volunteer hospital car driver I know many patients that need to be able to be dropped as close to the entrance as one can do, so I hope Cornwall Council make a few spaces  to drop and pick patients of say 15 minutes as at Derriford hospital.

I hope Dr  Rebecca Magill will work with  the hospital car service providers who can help patients get to the Hub from in and around the Launceston.

Les Whaley

Volunteer car driver for Tavistock Area Support Transport Services