Quilts have helped raise funds for a local children’s hospice provider.

At the October meeting of Launceston’s Flowerpatch Quilters the group welcomed two representatives from Children’s Hospice South West — Alice Merrett, area fundraiser at Little Harbour and Ann-Marie Sobey,  a member of the Border Belles Friends Group in Launceston.

Earlier in the year, to celebrate their 40th anniversary the group had made a beautiful red and white ‘Ruby Quilt’ and raffled it for Children’s Hospice South West at their August Quilt Exhibition at Cowslip Workshops.  The quilt was won by a delighted lady from Plymouth and a substantial sum was raised.

A cheque for £1,500 has been presented to Alice who gave members a great talk about Little Harbour at Porthpean, which first opened in 2011 to provide care and support for whole families with children with life-limiting conditions. Alice described the many facilities and activities available there and how all the staff are committed to making the most of short and precious lives and provide respite breaks and help for parents.  

A spokesperson said: “Flowerpatch members were delighted to have been able to help as the children’s hospice relies mainly on donations to continue their marvellous work.