ELECTRONIC SIGNS are set to be installed on the Bodmin Moor stretch of the A30 from Jamaica Inn to Helland by National Highways.

The four portable electronic signs, funded by National Highways and delivered through a partnership established by Devon and Cornwall Police along with National Highways and Bodmin Moor Commons Council, aim to help reduce the risk posed by increasing incidents involving livestock encroaching the dual carriageway.

The four new portable dot matrix signs will light up to display messages to motorists to warn and inform them of hazards on Cornwall's busiest route.

National Highways are able to turn on the new emergency signs remotely from their 24/7 control room in response to incidents such as emergency road conditions, road hazards, and livestock on the road.

It has been reported by the Department of Transport that collisions involving animals on the road cause hundreds of injuries each year.

Dave Langley, Road Casualty Reduction Officer for Devon & Cornwall Police said: “On the short Bodmin Moor section of the A30 during 2022 there were 222 incidents recorded where livestock had strayed onto the highway. Since the formation of our working group partnership, this number has been significantly reduced.”

Chris Collins, Rural Affairs Police Officer for Devon & Cornwall Police explained: “Like any rural area we have our own unique challenges to consider with regards to rural road safety. A 12 miles section of the A30 runs through the heart of Bodmin Moor encompassing vast areas of agriculture and common grazing land home to wildlife and livestock including cattle, sheep and ponies. Naturally, animals move across the land to graze and may access the road where fencing has been damaged or access points left insecure.

“Working in partnership with National Highways, we reviewed and improved areas of the Moor's common land fencing and it has enabled Cornwall to access four new matrix signs, which will be used on Bodmin Moor’s stretch of the A30 permanently.”

Julie Dowton, The Bodmin Moor Commons Council Livestock Welfare Officer added: “Bodmin Moor landowners and commoners work closely with partners including Devon & Cornwall Police and National Highways to protect livestock habitat, a significant proportion of which neighbours the A30 dual carriageway.

“Unfortunately, livestock for a number of reasons can find their way onto the A30. Living on the moor we know how weather conditions can change quickly and dramatically and all too often can catch drivers out. The ability to warn people of hazards whether that be livestock, weather, or anything else is important and we have no doubt the new Matrix Warning signs will make the Bodmin Moor stretch of the A30 much safer for all.”