There was an unusual guest at last Monday’s Launceston Probus Club meeting — Tilly the guide dog.

There was a good attendance by members and their partners to hear a talk by Carol Ford, Tilly’s owner about the activities of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Organisation, with particular reference to puppy training. Carol, herself partially sighted, emphasised how having Tilly had improved her quality of life.

“She explained the time and skill that went into training a Guide Dog. A suitable puppy, usually labrador or retriever, is identified. Young puppies are not ready for training and they are initially placed in the home of a rearer, in practice fostered by a member of the public.

After the rearing a puppy is then trained by a professional, and on completion of initial training there is a process of matching the dogs to owners. This is based on type of dog and temperament (of both).

Carol mentioned that guide dogs are exempt from some of the restrictions imposed on pet dogs. They legally have free access to all premises such as shops and hotels, and owners are not obliged to ‘pick up’ after the dog (although in practice they will endeavour to do so).

Carol highlighted the importance of the public being considerate towards people with sight issues and their dogs. This included not parking on the pavement and preventing their own pets from distracting the Guide Dog.

Guide Dogs for the Blind is a charity, dependant on donations - quite a challenge considering the cost of a Guide Dog over its working life. For further information on the organisation you can visit their website at

The talk concluded with a number of questions from the audience on puppy rearing and living with a guide dog.

Carol was then thanked for such a good and informative talk.

Members were reminded that our next talk would be on the experiences of an X-ray equipment engineer.

Most members and guests stayed on for lunch and further discussion..

For further information on past and future activities of Probus, including talks and visits, please visit our website at which also gives information on how to contact us.