LAND for housing and employment and a new village hall, the development of better health and care facilities and the possible pedestrianisation of a town centre are among the projects in a plan going before local people for their views. 

The draft Callington and Kelly Bray Neigbourhood Plan and Vision is open for consultation until November 13. 

People can view the documents and leave their feedback on paper in the Town Hall or visit where it’s currently the headline item. 

The Neighbourhood Plan and Vision for Callington and Kelly Bray sets out to help create a healthy and sustainable place for people to live and work, as well as identifying projects that address the climate crisis. Following almost a decade of work and six years of consultation with residents and businesses, it sets out a series of projects and policies on the things that have come out as being top priority for local people: 

• a healthy, greener and environmentally friendly place to live 

• a beautiful town centre that people want to visit 

• quality homes that are affordable and meet a range of needs 

• better community infrastructure such as improved health and care and school facilities 

• support for businesses and development of employment opportunities 

• transport 

The draft plan identifies several sites in the parish allocated for development. These include: land west of Florence Road for employment use; land north of Saltash Road for a large mixed development of around 175 homes, and offices or light industrial units, with pedestrian and cycle links to the planned health centre site at Southern Road; and land at Kelly Bray for around 40 homes and a village hall. 

Projects put forward in the vision for the parish include: the temporary closing of Fore Street for a party or event, with a view to potential permanent pedestrianisation in the future; redirection of lorries and through traffic away from the town centre and along Florence Road, with the redesignation of the A388 through the centre as a town street rather than a trunk road; a shopfront facelift and greening of Fore Street; an ‘innovation centre’ for high quality office and meeting space; tree planting to create a Forest for Callington and Kelly Bray; updating the New Road kiosks and developing the market space and its entrance; a speed reduction in Kelly Bray; a focus on the health and care facilities for the town (relating to a planning permission already in place); a new transport hub for Callington. 

Following the current period of consultation, the draft Neighbourhood Plan will be finalised and submitted to Cornwall Council, and should all be well, a referendum date will be set where local people can say yes or no to the plan. Once adopted, the plan will become a legal document that must be taken into account by those making planning decisions. 

Jo Taylor, Clerk to the Town Council, said:  “The Neighbourhood Plan provides an opportunity for local people to have a say in how the area is going to shaped in the future.  After a lot of hard work, the project is very close to being completed.  We now need your views on the Draft Plan and to know whether you would like to see any changes made before it is submitted for independent examination.”