Bude’s Compass Point project has entered its next stage as the Pepper Pot’s stone begins to be dismantled. 

Work to relocate Bude’s iconic Storm Tower, have entered their next stage. Following the removal of the domed roof, focus has now shifted towards dismantling the stone. 

While this might seem like a simple process, due to the complex nature of dealing with such an old structure, the removal of these pieces must be done very carefully, in a sequential order to allow for them to be reassembled in the correct way later on. 

Over the course of the next week, the team will be working to remove the delicate compass etchings placed around the tower’s sides. 

A spokesperson from Bude-Stratton Town Council explained: “Despite the complexity involved, the process of removing the stones has been relatively rapid. It is expected that by early July, all remaining scaffolding will be taken down as the stone removal progresses to a lower level.

“During the works, it has been discovered that the stonework is in a more fragile state than initially anticipated. This means that additional repair work will be required in due course to ensure the structural integrity of the tower as it is reassembled.”

As part of the project’s community engagement, the council has also launched an art competition, asking anyone aged between three and 19 to capture “how does the storm tower and its move make you feel?” 

More information about the competition can be found here.