A charity based in Bude and Stratton has thanked the generosity of a local resident who has donated nearly £20,000 to the group.

Members of the Bude and Stratton fundraising committee for Cancer Research UK recently visited Exeter University to find out more about the groundbreaking research projects which the committee’s fundraising helps support.

During the ‘Exeter is Beating Cancer’ event, the committee met with medicinal physicists who are working on exciting projects to detect cancer earlier, as well as developing improved cancer treatments.

A spokesperson from the group explained: “Exeter University is the world leader in this research and they collected tissue samples from trials held around the country, from people at all stages of cancer. They are also developing a surgical instrument which will use this new spectroscope technology to both detect and treat cancerous tissue in one procedure.”

Other groundbreaking developments include a blood test for the early detection of cancer. The test can detect 50 different types of cancer and can also identify where in the body the cancer is located. Trials for this revolutionary test are expected to be finalised in 2026 and, once the test has been approved for funding by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, it is hoped the blood test will eventually become a regular, routine test for everyone.

Anne Bryant, chair of the Bude and Stratton Committee said: “Cancer Research UK does not receive any funding from the government.

“These amazing projects, which cost many hundreds of thousands of pounds, are mostly funded with money raised by local committees such as ours, so it was truly inspirational to see locally raised funds contributing to world-leading developments right here in the South West. Developments which should make a real difference to the detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer within our children and grandchildren’s lifetimes. We, as always, remain hugely grateful to the people of the Bude and Stratton area for their ongoing support and it is fantastic to have witnessed the groundbreaking progress that your generosity is bringing-about.”

The committee members were also joined at the ‘Exeter is Beating Cancer’ event by ‘Chunky’ Philp. Chunky recently completed his year as captain at Bude and North Cornwall Golf Club, during which he fundraised tirelessly for Cancer Research UK. The amount raised during his captaincy was an amazing £17,778.25, and the committee were thrilled and extremely grateful to receive the cheque at a recent event at the golf club.

The committee have various events planned for the rest of the year and would welcome anyone who is interesting in joining their fundraising team. To join the committee or for more information, contact Anne on 01288 352844.