All year groups have been getting busy this week at St Joseph’s School in Launceston. 

Sport, school trips, and the future of technology have all been on the agenda for students this week. 

Year 3 took a trip down to Truro to spend the day at The Royal Cornwall Museum. The group took part in a Roman workshop, getting the chance to handle Roman artefacts and identify what they might have been used for and where in a Roman home they may have been found. 

Students even got the chance to get dressed up in a toga, before making their own Roman oil lamps from clay. 

Meanwhile, Year 5 and 6 welcomed Plymouth Argyle Community Trust. Six schools took part in a football tournament. The children enjoyed meeting Pilgrim Pete, who was there to cheer on everyone involved. 

Year 9 and 10 also got stuck into some sport this week, showing their prowess on the rugby pitch. Taking on Trinity School, the team played tremendously, winning 38-18. 

Finally, the school’s computer club have been learning all about the future of technology. Students have been using Machine Learning to teach a computer to recognise compliments or insults. They then created the game in Scratch, where the computer displays either a sad face or a happy face based on the words typed in.