WEEK St Mary Bells marked the traditional start of the Revel which was once again blessed with perfect September weather — still, sunny and mild.

The crowds turned out to welcome the new Harvest Queen, Eloise Cartwright — accompanied by her attendants, Mia Johns, Molly Webster and crown bearer, Ethan Webster — travel down Week Green Hill on a beautifully decorated harvest float. The procession was led by Jeanette Turner who was Harvest Queen 47 years ago and a number of fancy dress entrants — one of them a dog — followed enthusiastically behind.

On the playing field, MC Mike Goodman co-ordinated a series of events which have become traditional parts of the Revel. These included the crowning of the new Harvest Queen by the retiring Queen, Kekezza Stripp, the presentation of the fancy dress prizes, the presentation of medals to the visiting Austin Seven Owners Club members and the announcement of the winner of the scarecrow festival held in August.

The ever popular Week St Mary Dog Show followed and was this year enhanced by an 'agility dogs' demonstration led by judge, Emma Warneford. Many thanks went to Chris Warneford for organising this important event once again.

The stalls, sideshows, games, teas and barbecue were well supported and this year shop owner, Jeff Roberts, put on a fine display of local foods with samples of cheeses, chutneys, creams, butters, bread, meat, vegetables and eggs all available to try.

Winners of the competitions were:

• Fancy dress: Under-5, Will Bacchus; 5-12 year olds, Tia Vanderlinden; 5-12 year olds, Jade and Zara Turner;

• 'Guess the Weight of the Cake': Rev David Clark (guessed 6lb) and Linda Ayres (guessed 5lbs 14oz) draw (actual weight 5lb 15oz);

• Baby Photo Competition: Under a year old, Lesley Booker with her photo of Emilia Gray; one to two years old, Linda Cobbledick with her photo of Connor Pugh;

• Gardening Competition: Cup for the most points was won by Jeff Roberts;

• Treasure Hunt: Francis Rowe;

• Scarecrow Festival Trophy: Jenny Parkin for 'Should have gone to Specsavers' (presented by Harvest Queen, Elosie Cartwright.

After an admirable show of persistence, Biggy Middleton eventually won both bottles of whisky from the bottle stall and congratulations must go to Mrs Sue Dickenson who, with the help of her loyal assistants, raised £345 on this stall alone.

By 4.30pm the parish hall was very busy as the Revel Tea got under way and as usual there was plenty for everyone — a very welcome end to the afternoon. Thanks were expressed to everyone who helped in the kitchen and with service.

In the evening, the field tents were re-arranged to provide a sheltered party area with music, a bar run by leaders from Week St Mary Football Club and a barbecue.

The evening was concluded by Keith Horrell presenting a magnificent fire sculpture which was themed 'Bringing the Harvest Home' — a moment thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

The committee, led by Trina Ward and members of which include Hilda Axford, Margaret Johns, Mike Goodman, Micheline Smith, Len Davies and Lesley Booker, would like to give thanks to all those who helped in any way.

Lesley said: "Your efforts will provide support to Week St Mary community organisations, several of which cannot survive without such fund raising efforts"

The Week St Mary Revel Committee is planning a great 50th Anniversary of the Harvest Queen celebration for next years event. They are calling on all members of the community who enjoy and benefit from the Revel, to come forward with their new ideas to enhance and continue this successful and popular showpiece.

For more pictures, see this week's edition of the 'Post.