There have been many licensings at St Teath church over the years but the service for the Rev Nicola Farr may have beaten all records.

Churchgoers from her new ‘home’, the Camel-Allen benefice, were joined by members of her family, many friends from the Launceston area where she has been assistant curate to the Launceston parish churches and the churches in the Moorland and Egloskerry group.

They were also joined by many friends from the Callington Cluster of Churches where Rev Farr worshipped for many years and where she was an ordinand.

The church was packed to the proverbial rafters as Rev Farr was licensed to become Rector and Pioneer Priest by the Right Reverend Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans and the Venerable Kelly Betteridge, Archdeacon of Bodmin with visiting members of clergy in support.

Her new benefice includes not only St Teath but also Advent, Camelford, Delabole and Lanteglos and wardens and members of the congregations of all five churches, as well as the St Teath choir, welcomed Rev Farr to their “family” at the service followed by a get together and buffet in the church hall.

Mother of four daughters and a music teacher (she loves playing the clarinet), Rev Farr and her husband, Andrew, look forward to getting to know the area but old friends from Launceston and Callington are not forgotten. They have promised to come to services at her new churches.