Three schools in our area have been marked as inadequate, with two placed under special measures following Ofsted inspections. 

Jacobstow Community Academy, Port Isaac Community Primary School and The Copper academy have been rated as inadequate by Ofsted following their inspections, with the first two being placed under special measures. 

Each school is described as having a variety of failings in it’s practice. Within the school’s report, Port Issac Community Primary School has been marked as inadequate in every category. It is is described as letting its pupils down with the quality of education they are receiving. The report reads: “Pupils are let down by the quality of education they receive. The curriculum is ineffective. Leaders have not identified the main priorities for improvement. They have not addressed long-standing issues such as poor attendance. Leaders do not engage well enough with parents.”

Due to this, the school was placed under special measures “because it is failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education and the persons responsible for leading, managing or governing the school are not demonstrating the capacity to secure the necessary improvement in the school.”

Port Issac Community Academy was not the only school to be placed under these measures however, Jacobstow Community Primary School was graded as inadequate in both “Quality of Education” and "Leadership and management”, receiving “Requires improvement” ratings in “Behaviour and Attitudes”, “Personal Development” and “Early Years Provision”. 

The report reads: “The quality of education pupils receive is poor. Leaders provide a curriculum that is often a jumbled mix of lessons. Pupils complete work that does not build on what they already know or can do. As a result, pupils lose concentration and their learning slows. They achieve far less than they should.

“Leaders, including governors, have not ensured that staff safeguarding training is up to date. This includes training for the designated leaders for safeguarding.

“There are inconsistencies in how safer recruitment checks and practices are carried out to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Not all checks that are required have been completed. As a result, governors have not held leaders to account for keeping children safe.”

While not placed under special measures, The Copper Academy in Holsworthy was equally ranked as inadequate in its overall effectiveness. While the school’s specialist curriculum, teaching hair and beauty, “they are less successful in gaining the necessary knowledge and skills needed in other curriculum areas, including reading and mathematics.”