SOME dog owners at Lifton are ‘very public spirited’, according to one of the parish councillors.

At a meeting of the council last week, clerk Nicola Taylor referred to an item that has been posted on the parish council’s website on the subject of dog mess.

West Devon Borough Council recently announced the number of council officers working in the community who can now issues fines to people who let their dogs foul in parks and on pavements, has been increased.

The borough’s officers on the ground have risen from one to four. The officers can now issue on-the-spot penalties to those who do not pick up their dog’s mess — this could be up to £80.

An environmental protection officer and senior specialist are also on hand to deal with repeat offenders, who could receive a maximum fine of up to £1,000 if a case goes to court.

Mrs Taylor told the parish council: “Basically it’s talking about how obviously there is no dog poo fairy.

“It is up on the website to remind people to pick up after their dogs.”

Cllr Martin Hall said: “I believe there may be a dog poo fairy in as much as there is a couple of ladies that will pick up not only their own dog’s poo but other’s dogs poo as well.

“It’s ‘very public spirited of them.”

Councillors also pointed out that any red dog mess bins that have been replaced with black bins can still be used for dog mess.