WOW! Wonderful, Overwhelmingly Wonderful is the view of Lifton Art Group (LAG) members of their latest exhibition.

They all had a great time meeting and greeting both old and new visitors on both days. The extra funding by way of a grant from Launceston Rotary Club enabled them to promote the event on a wider scale and proved successful with a record number of visitors. The hot weather didn’t prove to be a deterrent either.

The new venue and home of LAG at Lifton Community Centre with its excellent facilities proved a hit with both exhibitors and visitors. The art group is fortunate to have members with differing styles and abilities which enabled visitors to enjoy a great variety of work and, as always, a high standard was achieved by all. Plenty of delicious cake and refreshments helped with the visitors’ enjoyment too!

The raffle of three original works of art, an oil, watercolour and acrylic proved popular and the three winners were thrilled to have original artwork as prizes.

A new innovation this year was ‘bargain browsers and table’ with items from £1 upwards which proved very popular. The art group’s new display boards enabled members to show many examples of work produced during in-house workshops, their three-hour art challenges and still life projects. The many lovely comments in the visitors’ book and in person always help and inspire them to be more creative.

Linda Newman, administrator on behalf of Lifton Art Group, said: “The enthusiasm, plus hard work, of all LAG members is phenomenal and without doubt it is this, coupled with their many talents, that helped provide such a successful exhibition. Our thanks to all our visitors and their kind comments and we hope to see you all next year!”