Film Correspondent

Straight into the action this week as I have a lot to talk about!

For booking details, visit wtwcinemas.co.uk

New Releases

Cat Person

Currently playing at some venues.

Margot decides to take a chance by giving her number to an awkward regular at the cinema she works at, the socially difficult Robert can’t believe his luck and Margot is just looking for a bit of fun. 

As the relationship develops it soon transpires that opposites sometimes do attract, he is enigmatic and Margot soon finds herself drawn into finding out more about him, but at what cost. 

Her concerned friends instruct her to keep him at a distance, yet they start to see each other with a gradual revelation and who he really is begins to slowly unravel. The film is adapted from a best-selling short story and is a fun and original thriller, and cinema employees will notice a few subtle details that will make them chuckle.

Event Cinema

Don Quixote

The Royal Opera house brings us the first Ballet of the 2023/24 season on November 7.

Don Quixote, based on Miguel de Cervantes’ epic novel of the same name, regales the adventures of the eccentric nobleman Don Quixote and his faithful squire Sancho Panza, as they help to bring a vivacious young couple, Kitri and Basilio, together. 

This energetic 19th-century ballet is enlivened by Ludwig Minkus’ spirited score and is a wonderful showcase for the virtuosity of The Royal Ballet’s Principal dancers. Created for The Royal Ballet a decade ago, Carlos Acosta’s exuberant production featuring Tim Hatley’s characterful designs brings the heat and romance of Cervantes’ classic novel to life.

Silver Screen

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is at 11.00am tommorw (we are also introducing Subtitled screenings of the same film at 11.15am). 

Prices are £4.50 each and this includes a hot drink and a biscuit. The following Silver screen on November 9 will be Oppenheimer.

Cinema Memories

This week I had the chance to catch up with my old friend Jonathan Aberdeen.

We do go way back to the old ECC review days at the Arts centre. I remember a couple of productions as a youngster in the 1980s, one I was an islander pointing at the volcano and announcing the gods were angry. 

Jonathan had more meaty roles and has performed in many productions over the years and is currently the Community and Artistic Director of the St Austell. He has been there for 10 years. 

Before that, Jonathan was the Festival Director of the Daphne du Maurier Festival, Fowey, from 1997 - 2013 and, before that, working at the Restormel Arts.

Will - Hi Jonathan, thank you for joining me on cinema memories, tell us a little about your work at the Arts Centre?

Jonathan - At the Arts Centre, I programme the professional year-round season of music, comedy, drama and non-mainstream film. I also enjoy working alongside all of the various community groups that have their home at the Arts Centre. We have groups of all sorts including the St Austell U3A, Cornwall Performing Arts, including the St Austell Players that has been performing at the Arts Centre since the 1960s.

Will - One of my most recent visits was the Tango in the Night and they were fantastic. What else have you got lined up?

Jonathan - Upcoming shows include Phil Beer, the fantastic folk singer, Remi Harris with an evening of great guitar music, playing the music of Fleetwood Mac’s Peter Green and Cornish Theatre Company ‘Owdyado Theatre with some scary tales for Christmas. 

Local musician Jimmy Cannon also presents a monthly evening of wonderful jazz and swing music at the Arts Centre. Full details and tickets for all our events are on our website: www.staustellartstheatre.org.uk

Will - Some great acts there, now let’s find out about cinema memories and which cinema was your very first visit and what film did you watch?

Jonathan - My first memory of seeing a film in a cinema was to see Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang at the old Film Centre/Classic/Odeon cinema in what was Aylmer Square. I have two memories of the visit; the first was how it cut to an intermission just as Chitty was hurtling off the cliffs toward guaranteed oblivion only to find out, when the film re-started, that Chitty could fly - I was so relieved! 

My second memory is that, due to the film’s length, I fell asleep before the end and had to be carried out of the cinema at the end of the film, fast asleep, and not waking up until I had got home. I still suffer from mild theatre / cinema narcolepsy. Many times, I’ve fallen asleep and missed some, or most, of what I was supposed to have been watching. I think it’s because I’m in a nice, cosy, warm environment and somebody turns the lights and my body, or brain, thinks it’s bedtime and shuts down!

Will - Well it depends on what you may be watching, if you have a very enthusiastic actor then he may wake you from your slumber. Now tell me which films do you enjoy watching?

Jonathan - I’m not a big fan of epic / all action / fantasy type films that rely on special effects to entertain. I’d rather watch a film where, perhaps, very little might happen but it is well-written, with believable performances, telling a compelling story. 

Will - As a man of the stage, which of our event cinema productions have you most liked and disliked?

Jonathan - Although I enjoy most of them, two stand out head and shoulders above the rest. My first experience of Event cinema was in Plymouth - they hadn’t reached Cornwall at that stage! That was “One Man. Two Guvnors”, starring James Corden. It’s odd but I rarely laugh out loud in cinemas or theatres. This show was so fresh, energetic with broad, farcical comedy, yet still telling a good story that I found irresistible.

More recently, “Prima Facie”, which I think I’ve seen a total of four times. It’s an incredible piece of writing and a real force of nature performance by the incredible Jodie Comer, with it being a one-person play. It starts at breakneck speed and doesn’t let up. I certainly didn’t fall asleep watching that one!  Oh, and The Lehman Trilogy - how could I forget that one?  Absolutely brilliant.

I wouldn’t say that I’ve disliked any that I have seen. If pushed, I’d say I was a little disappointed with the fairly recent production of “The Seagull”. For me, the presentation of all actors being on stage throughout, sitting on chairs, came across more like watching a rehearsal than a performance, it was very static, more like a radio play.  You could sit with your eyes shut and hardly miss a thing.

Will - If there was to be a film of your life which actor would play you and why?

Jonathan - I’d play myself, of course! 

Will - Of course, there would be none finer!

When I was younger, I was told I looked a bit like Tom Hanks. With the passing of the years, more recently, I’ve been compared to looking like Timothy West (both great actors). So, as an alternative, Tom, in his prime, as the young me, and Tim as the old me!

Will - Timothy would be tricky as you are very tall, Maybe Cumberbatch as another option. Now we end on the big question, what is your cinema snack of choice?

Jonathan - I hate people who noisily crunch their way through films, or rustle bags of sweets. Can they not last two hours without stuffing their faces?! 

That said, I know the income to cinemas from snacks and drinks is almost as important as the income from ticket sales, so I will buy something. It’s usually a latte and a bag of Minstrels - which I eat very carefully and quietly!

This Week’s Quiz

I will be celebrating my birthday tomorrow and any gifts can be sent to me at the cinema. On the subject of birthdays this week’s quiz is about films that feature an iconic birthday scene.

Question 1

Which titular character is looking to celebrate his Aunt Lucy’s 100th birthday with a pop in book in which 2017 sequel? 

Question 2

Cursed at his child’s birthday in the 1997 film Liar Liar, which actor played the lawyer Fletcher Reed?

Question 3

Excessive pancakes for breakfast in 1989 comedy Uncle Buck, but who played the title character?

Question 4

A difficult trip to attend his daughter’s birthday in Falling Down, but who played the put upon lead character D-Fens?

Question 5

Which Disney classic animation is there a ‘Happy Unbirthday’ celebration?

A) Alice in Wonderland  

B) The Aristocats 

C) Lady and the Tramp

Question 6

Who starred as grown-up Jenna Fink and Matt Flamhaff in the 2004 rom-com 13 Going on 30.

Question 7

Can you name the writer director and also who played the star Samantha in 1980’s classic Sixteen Candles?

Question 8

In the thriller The Birds can you name who played Melanie Daniels and Mitch Brenner in the 1963 Hitchcock classic?

Question 9

In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Bilbo Baggins celebrates his birthday in grand style, but who played Bilbo in this film and also who played the same character in The Hobbit trilogy, a bonus point if you know what age Birthday party Bilbo was celebrating?

Question 10

The Godfather part II featured two party celebrations, but who played Michael, Kay, Connie Corleone, younger Vito and Tom Hagan.


1 It is all time great Paddington 2, probably the best feelgood film of all time.

2 Funny man Jim Carrey was the lawyer who could not lie.

3 From the 90s top comedian to one of the biggest stars of the 1980s John Candy was Uncle Buck.

4 Michael Douglas, whose character becomes more unhinged with each difficult moment in his stressful day, a good film.

5 A) - Alice in Wonderland saw the Mad Hatter and the March Hare celebrating Unbirthday’s.

6 Jennifer Garner was Jenna and Mark Ruffalo as Matt in the body switch up comedy.

7 John Hughes, whose credits include 80s hits, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and the aforementioned Uncle Buck amongst many.

8 Tip Hedren was Melanie and Rod Taylor as Mitch, the birthday party for Cathy was attacked by a flock of the feathered fiends.

9 Ian Holm was Bilbo in Lord of the Rings and Martin Freeman was The Hobbit in the follow up trilogy, Bilbo was celebrating his 111th birthday.

10 Al Pacino was Michael, Diane Keaton as Kay, Talia Shire plays Connie, Robert De Niro’s Oscar winning turn as younger Vito and Robert Duvall played Tom Hagan. The film was coveted with many Academy Awards, Pacino was nominated for Best Actor but missed out.