ALL at the Post were sad to hear of the passing of former photographer David Flower, who supplied many news and sporting images to our various titles over the years.
Following the sad passing of Mr Flower, Adrian Jasper, fellow photographer and friend, paid the following tribute: “I had the pleasure of working alongside David for several years. It was easily some of the most memorable and enjoy times I can remember as a photographer. David would always have many a story to tell and always with a smile on his face, but above all, he was a consummate professional and wanted to do the very best job he could for the paper and the people he was photographing. He was a great photographer and was liked by everyone who knew him.
“His local knowledge was immense. There’s no doubt he will be sadly missed especially around the many local sport events he covered in the local area with great passion and dedication. Fly High my Friend”
A service of celebration for the life of David Flower, who died at home in Tintagel on April 24, took place at St Materiana’s Church, Tintagel on May 23, followed by internment in the graveyard.
Rev Heather Aston officiated, and the organist was Ms Jennifer Wood. Members of Tintagel Cricket Club formed a Guard of Honour with cricket bats as the coffin was taken into the church. The eulogy was given by Harry Sandercock, and family remembrances, Robin Flower and a poem by Kimberley Baker.
David was born in South Lambeth, and moved to Tintagel with his family during the war. He attended Tintagel School, his first job was as a cinema projectionist at Delabole Cinema and from there went on to train as a television engineer with Bush Radio in Plymouth, before starting his own business in Tintagel — Flower’s Television and Electrical Services Ltd.
David was active in the local community, had served on the parish council, and fought tooth and nail for the village he loved, which lead to the formation of ‘King Arthur’s Army’ many years ago when a dispute arose with the National Trust – which was resolved peacefully to the satisfaction of all! He loved playing cricket and football and along with others achieved the building of the Tintagel Cricket Club Pavilion.
A lifelong supporter of Tintagel Cricket Club and more recently, Camelford Football Club, he walked the old North Cornwall Railway line with his friend Kelly Westall, videoing for posterity as they proceeded. Cooking, cruising, politics, music and TV were amongst his many hobbies, and he was a keen supporter of Brexit.
Fundraising when he was president of Camelford Rotary, involved driving his old Austin 7 car from John O’Groats to Lands End, to raise money for the Heart Foundation, as he suffered a massive heart attack in 1992 and was lucky to survive!
He retired from his electrical business in 2002, but was approached by the then Editor of The Cornish and Devon Post series to become a local photographer. This he loved and enjoyed the friendship and meeting so many people.
David had three children, Jackie, Robin and Tim, with his first wife, Carole. After they divorced he met his wife, Valerie in 1981 and they had been together for over 40 years.
Donations, if desired, were for The Heart Foundation and Stroke Association.
Mourners were: Valerie, wife; Jackie Horwell, Robin Flower, Tim Flower, daughter and sons, and their partners Dave Johnson, Jayna Berline Weinfurter and Mel Brown; Matt Horwell and Lauren O’Neill, Michael, Lyla and Devon; Martin Horwell; Kimberley and Dan Baker and Anastasia, grandchildren and great grandchildren; Bob and Sheila Flower, brother and sister-in-law; Mary Nogeire, sister; Alan and Sylvia Blake, brother-in-law and sister-in-law; Stephen Robbins (rep Sylvia Robbins, sister), Alan and Dorothy Flower, Leonard and Monique Flower, Gary and Abbi Flower, Emma and Ian Provis, Natalie and Richard Polkinghorne, nephews and nieces; Brenda and Barry Dyer, cousins.
Sympathisers attending included: Mr and Mrs Harry Sandercock, Mr Peter Glaser (Cathy Glaser and Roger Toy), Mrs Janet Carter and Mr Nigel Dewbury, Mr and Mrs David Hemmings (Flora and Trevor Beckford), Mr and Mrs David Cook, Mrs Sharon Milner (family), Ms Sarah Lane (family), Mr and Mrs Andrew Paul (Helen Hicks, The Delabole Slate), Mr and Mrs B Anderson (Mr and Mrs D Littlejohns, Tintagel AFC), Mr and Mrs Mike Jory, Mr and Mrs Nigel Ward, Mr Paul Knight and Mrs Frances Hornblow (Tintagel CC), Mrs Mary Dyer (Dr Peter Dyer and Camelford Inner Wheel), Mr Malcolm Dawe (Teresa, Emily and Lucy), Stuart, Anne and Adam Scott (Colin Harris, Brian Baker, Paul Hicks, Adrian and Tracey Bright and all at The Cobweb), Chris and Monica Murray, Tim and Tom Pickard (Morgan Pickard), Richard and Jo Burgess (Burgess family and Treknow Pantomine), George and Kim Climo (Julie Sandercock).
Mesdames: Shelly Brown (Brown family), Diane Bosley (David, James and Caitlin, Simon and Sally Biddick, family), Margaret Nute, Valerie Stephens (Jill Findlay), Joyce Brown, Annette Hughes (Paul and Annette), Jean Whiting, Irene Evason, Kay Knight, Margaret Unsworth, Carolyn Edwards (Steve, Lauren, Sophie, Malcolm and Lynn Biddick, Maureen Steege), Christine Green, Edwina Broad (David, Philip, Steve Heard, Camelford Show, Mrs R Humphrey, Mr G B Brown), Gill Garrod (family), Pam Draper (Martin and Louise Dally), Sally Moore, Madge Walkey (Camelford Cancer Research Committee), Sharon Pethick (Richard Pethick, Boscastle FC), Katrina Corner (Grant), Nicky Hill.
Messrs: James Strout (Graham and Kaye Strout), Guy Keenan (Hartley Home Care, Tintagel CC), Phil Brown (Camelford FC), Andrew Cook (Justine), Keith Lawrence (Stephen Jose), Kelvin Westall, Callum Flew (Elaine, Martyn and family), Adrian Pooley (Delabole FC, Delabole CC), Colin Burrell (Glen Burrell, Gerald Pooley), Adrian Jasper (Cornwall Live), Roger Wickett (Carol, Mark), Malcolm Prout (Jean), Rob Cook (Anne and family, Camelford FC), David Smale (Camelford FC),Stuart Patterson, Tony Seldon (Mr and Mrs King), Brian Cook (Carol), Ivan Les Burnard (June Burnard), Steve Brown (Tintagel CC, E M Brown), Martin Seldon (Vanessa, D and M King), Matthew Pethick, Jordan Burnard (David and Jane Burnard), Steve Dray, Philip Oliver (Lynn and Camelford Rotary Club).