ON A glorious midsummer evening, Halwill School celebrated its tenth anniversary of the school being on its present site in Halwill Junction, having previously been sited in Halwill.

After sports day on Thursday, June 21, children, parents, relatives and friends gathered with staff and governors, both past and present, to celebrate this occasion; not only marking the day that the school moved to its new site but also the huge commitment from past governors and staff to ensure the new school was built.

Executive headteacher Mrs Christine Dey said: “It was a welcome opportunity to acknowledge their support and to remember the contribution by so many in the development of our lovely school. None more so than in a tribute made to Phil Hamlyn, a past governor, who recently and sadly died and in his memory, a memorial plaque was presented to the school.”

After speeches the children sang a collection of songs, including the school song, to the parents gathered nearby.

A stunning cake decorated in the school colours was cut by the three members of staff who have taught on both sites, amidst much cheering.

There was then an opportunity for everyone to mingle and share their memories.

Later the school ‘Friends’ provided a barbecue and a live band, Joy Machine, entertained everyone to make the evening as memorable as possible.