Local charity, The Hugs Foundation, have launched a Crowdfunder to ask for everyone to come together to help rescue 12 orphan foals from an awful fate of being shot. 

A spokesperson said: “The heartbreaking reality is that without donations and Hugs expert care, they will die.”

The foal has already arrived at Hugs as an emergency rescue. She is just weeks old and tiny, smaller than a collie dog. 

The spokesperson said: “The Hugs team are all very concerned for her and desperately need everyone’s help to change her very short and distressing life. Without financial support and Hugs expert care, sadly this foal will die in this condition. Unfortunately, she is very poorly from being away from her mum. She is dehydrated, has suspected pneumonia, skin infections and is covered in fly eggs and ticks. It is one of the most shocking cases we have seen, especially for something so precious and at such a young age. She will need round the clock care to save her life. Hugs promises to do everything they can to help her.”

Every October the Dartmoor drifts takes place. This is where all the Dartmoor ponies are rounded up off the moor and separated into the different farmers stock so that they can be health checked and either returned to the moor or sold at the sales. Sadly, because of the commotion of herds of ponies coming in, some foals get separated from their mothers and it is impossible to find who belongs to who again. This means there are orphan foals that are far too young to go back onto the moor on their own, as they simply would not survive and they cannot be sold at the sales either, due to being too young and needing specialist care. 

The spokesperson continued: “If rescues can’t help them then sadly these foals are shot. This is where Hugs comes in. They have launched a Crowdfunder to raise at least £11,000 to enable them to rescue this little herd and secure their futures. If they can raise the intake funds, they will be able to take these babies in and give them the specialist diet and care they need to grow into healthy ponies and find their forever homes.”

It costs between £700 and £1,100 to rescue each orphan foal. With the help from your support and the Hugs team, orphaned foals will not face death this winter, but love, kindness and expertise from the Hugs team and a secure future. 

The Hugs team added: “We really hope that everyone will rally together to help us save these foals lives. We know times are tough but even a small donation will count and spreading the word to reach more potential supporters. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone for their support with this rescue.”

The Crowdfunder went live on Monday, October 9, and will be open for two weeks. Visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/hugs-orphan-foals-in-need-of-rescue