Who is treating climate change seriously? Climate change has hardly been mentioned in the mainstream media's coverage of the general election. Now that the parties' manifestos are published, we can see how they intend to prioritise dealing with what the scientific community says is the biggest problem facing mankind.

UKIP has bad news for owners of solar panels or shareholders in community solar schemes - they will scrap subsidies. Instead they will open up old coal power stations and repeal the climate change act, reversing what little progress the UK has made. The Conservatives say they will cut carbon as cheaply as possible while ruling out one of the cheapest options - onshore wind power. Commentators quoted in a Financial Times headline described this as idiotic and illogical.

The Tories can't be trusted on climate change anyway. Before the 2010 election, George Osborne condemned Britain's use of renewable energy as "simply not good enough", saying his Treasury would go "out of its way to target and support green technology companies", adding: "We cannot afford not to go green." The last five years have shown just how hollow this pledge was. Both UKIP and the Conservatives want fracking. Watch out Fownhope, Woolhope and Much Marcle: your peace and quiet may be short-lived.

Only the Greens seem to be treating climate change seriously anymore.

Robert Palgrave, How Caple.