BOYTON Methodist Chapel recently held their chapel anniversary.

Lorraine Sluggett welcomed everyone and relayed that it was 134 years ago that the building was opened as a place of worship and that it was 21 years ago that the Chapel underwent complete modernisation, which made the Chapel a multi-purpose building.

Lorraine handed over to Mark Thomas who was to lead the service with help from Rev David Miller operating the projector.

Rev David and his wife Liz rendered a beautiful duet together. The organist for the service was Ruth Allin who also arranged the beautiful arrangement of red, white and blue flowers on the communion table. Bible readings and poems were read by Bella and Sybil Martyn and the collection was taken by Bella Martyn and Ellie Strout. The service was followed by a sumptuous home-baked Afternoon Tea served in the Sunday School Room.

Boyton Methodist Chapel hosted a ‘Coronation Special Coffee Morning’ the Thursday prior to the Coronation of King Charles III. Pat Perkin played the organ for the singing of The National Anthem and Pat also projected photographs of King Charles from his birth through to he present day which created much interest on the screen.

The food served can only be described as a ‘Royal Brunch’! No-one would have needed lunch when they returned home that would have been certain. There were joint winners guessing the weight of the beautifully decorated carrot cake, kindly baked and iced by Beryl Barton, so the cake was simply cut in half with half for each winner.

The singing of ‘I vow to Thee my Saviour’ accompanied by Rev Miller on the organ brought a most enjoyable ‘Coronation Special Coffee Morning’ to a close.