Bude WI held their November meeting on November 14 at the Bude Methodist Church Hall.  

The president, Cynthia May, greeted 77 members and visitors and everyone rose to sing a rousing rendition of Jerusalem.  

Members were then informed of many upcoming events, including beach cleaning, lunches, a quiz, a visit to the pantomime and reports of last months events.

The president then introduced the guest speaker Sheila Cholwill and her Christmas reindeer.  

Sheila detailed the heart breaking details of her wishing to be a helper and fundraiser for Little Harbour Children’s Hospice in St Austell and how she persuaded Colin, her husband, to create the Chol Reindeers which have raised over £51,000 for this very worthy charity.  Sales at the WI meeting raised £500.  Sheila was thanked by Eileen Harris.

The winners of the competitions were then announced, Bake off - 4 Sausage Rolls, 1st onica Heywood, 2nd am Metherell, 3rd   Joint   Tasha Reeves,  Sue Greenwood.  Competition - Handmade Christmas Decoration. 1st oan Trewin, 2nd ngela Pearce, 3rd ane Culverwell.  Flower of the Month. 1st Jane Culverwell, 2nd ue Cox, 3rd Sue Greenwood.  

After thanking the kitchen helpers for their continued hard work the president closed the meeting at 9.45pm.