A PROPOSED new branch of fast-food outlet Dominos is one step closer after planning permission was granted by Cornwall Council.

MSG Cornwall Limited applied to the local authority for permission to convert a currently disused part of the Co-op on Burn View in Bude into an outlet for the pizza brand.

There were 36 objections in total lodged with the local authority. Bude-Stratton Town Council, in its consultation response, told Cornwall Council it had no objections to the application.

Residents’ concerns were acknowledged in an accompanying planning report, which said: “The concerns of local residents are understood. However, the proposal is for a change of use to 'hot food takeaway, (sui generis use class)'.

“The considerations of the planning application including whether the proposed use class is suitable. The change of use application would not limit this to a Pizza Place only and any cuisine of takeaway could operate from the premises.

“As such an objection based on the current offering of pizza places in Bude could not be sustained. The policy considerations would be the same for a national pizza chain or local independent hot food takeaway.

“Whilst a third party has raised concern with regard to carbon emissions from the unit, the proposal accords with Policies TC1 and TC4 of the CEDPD which aims to support development in Town centres that maintain or enhance the viability and vitality of the settlement.”

Despite the objections from residents, who said that it would harm existing businesses, Cornwall Council approved the planning application, subject to two conditions.

These were that it must not open outside the hours of 11am and 11pm between Mondays and Saturdays and the same for Sundays and Bank Holidays.

It must also ensure that: “Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted, the mechanical services equipment plant (including extraction and air intake) shall be installed in accordance with the installation and mitigation measures set out within the submitted Plant Noise Assessment, carried out by Suono, dated January 2024. The equipment shall be maintained as retained as such thereafter.”