Bodmin College celebrated another year of outstanding achievement with exceptional A-level results released on Thursday.

A high percentage of grades were A* to B with the majority of students achieving the results needed for their first choice of university.

The day saw many ecstatic Bodmin College students reap the rewards of three years of hard work and dedication to their studies, as they received their A Level results. The proud staff of Bodmin College are now celebrating another year of excellence from their students, with a 100% pass rate in more than 40 subjects and an average grade of C across the board. Many students notably exceeded their predictions and performance from previous years, and there have been a number of stand-out success stories, with students securing prestigious university places including Dennison University in the USA and a range of Russell Group universities including Exeter and Bristol.

Head of Sixth Form, Mr Joe Crane, expressed overwhelming pride for his students: “I am just blown away by the level of achievement we have seen in our exceptionally hard-working students this year. To accomplish such excellence is a testament to how much determination and effort they have put into their studies. It is also a wonderful showcase for the work ethic and commitment that has remained synonymous with Bodmin College students, year after year.”

Mrs Guest, headteacher, added: “It’s also a great reflection of the dedication of our inspiring teachers and staff who give so much of their time and energy to bring out the best in our students. Not only are they effectively teaching them subjects and skills, but they are also encouraging them to believe in themselves and providing them with the motivation and confidence they need to reach their full potential. I am literally glowing with pride today and feel incredibly privileged, in my role as Headteacher, to witness these impressive young people flourish beyond even their own expectations.”

Daisy Teague achieved an A*A*Distinction* in geography, graphics and engineering respectively and could not be more excited to be going to Exeter University.

She said: “I am really excited and shocked by my results, I wasn’t expecting my grades to be this high”.

As one of the highest achievers of the year, Daisy said she had Bodmin College to thank for her incredible achievements: “I would like to thank staff from all departments across the school for the high level of support they have given me during my time here.”

Other standout successes include Sam Dean who recorded A*AA in mathematics, further mathematics and physics respectively and has accepted their place at Bath University to study mathematics.

He said: “I was really relieved when I opened my results and am very proud of my achievements, I am looking forward to my future and starting at Bath.”

Tom Blake, who achieved a triple Distinction* in IT and a Merit in engineering, goes on to an apprenticeship with CELT, the Multi-Academy Trust which Bodmin College has recently joined.

He said: “I was so surprised and relieved when I opened my envelope. I’d like to say a huge thank you to my teachers for their support and for having faith in me. I am looking forward to starting my apprenticeship in the autumn.”

Holly Bowden, who has been accepted to study Liberal Arts at Dennison University in Ohio, USA on a $250,000 scholarship after achieving AABB, said: “I was so excited to open my results as I had worked so hard and am glad that it paid off. I leave on Sunday to fly to the USA to start university where I hope to do a double major in Theatre and Environmental

Science. I am so grateful for all of the support I have received at Bodmin College, especially with applying for the US Sutton Trust Programme and then the continued guidance through the complex American application system.”

Head of Sixth Form, Mr Joe Crane applauded each and every one of the students and reflected on the importance of supportive and effective education.

He added: “I have seen many students overcome obstacles, insecurities and challenges throughout their time at Bodmin College, to emerge as exceptional, high achievers, full of aspiration and ambition. There is no better feeling than days like today when I see the look on their faces and the pride of their families when they get their results and realise just how brilliant, clever and capable they are! I wish every one of our students the absolute best as they embark on the next exciting stage of their journey, and I hope their achievements today will spur them on to accomplish more great endeavours in their futures.”