Students at Altarnun Primary School have been busy, taking a trip back in time, becoming PCSO’s and creating poppies. 

Children at the school have been learning all about William of Normandy, and the significance of the Battle of Hastings. The topic culminated in the school taking part in a reenactment of the battle, along with The Founders Class from Launceston Primary School. Bringing this significant event in history to life. 

Before half term, the school also received a visit from PCSO Sarah Ross who delivered a fabulous talk to the children on the vital role that the emergency services play in our area,  KS2 also received a talk on cyber safety and staying safe online. Most excitingly, the children also had an amazing opportunity to sit inside the police car and see all the equipment and tools that the officers use.

Finally, this week students crafted beautiful poppies in honour of Remembrance Day. 

“Their creativity and heartfelt effort are simply incredible,” said Mrs Medland, head of school. 

“These poppies will be part of our Remembrance Day service happening this Friday.

“The children’s thoughtful and artistic contributions are a touching reminder of the importance of honouring those who served our country. Their dedication truly warms our hearts and demonstrates the spirit of respect and remembrance we hold dearly.”