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Public Notices
Recorded sexual offences in Devon and Cornwall have more than trebled since 2010
Food hygiene ratings given to four Cornwall establishments
Cornwall road closures: dozens for motorists to avoid over the next fortnight
More fines issued to parents for taking children out of school in Cornwall
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service called out to record number of false fire alarms
Significantly fewer girls in Cornwall protected against HPV
Rise in new mothers in Cornwall accessing mental health support
More people in Cornwall dying at home
Ombudsman received dozens of complaints about Cornwall Partnership Trust last year
Cornwall road closures: almost two dozen for motorists to avoid over the next fortnight
More than nine in 10 beds at Royal Cornwall Hospitals occupied
Alcohol misuse killed record number of people in Cornwall last year
Cornwall road closures: more than a dozen for motorists to avoid over the next fortnight
How to support loved ones with dementia this Christmas
Road closures: five for Cornwall drivers over the next fortnight
More than two-thirds of healthcare staff in Royal Cornwall Hospitals not protected against flu as cases rise
Nearly two-thirds of healthcare staff in Cornwall Partnership Trust not protected against flu
Several people injured in e-scooter accidents in Devon and Cornwall last year
Food hygiene ratings handed to two Cornwall takeaways
About three-quarters of A&E arrivals at Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust seen within four hours
Almost 2,000 people in Cornwall without a home this Christmas
Life expectancy for women in Cornwall is one of the worst in the South West
Record number of people in addiction treatment in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
Food hygiene ratings handed to two Cornwall restaurants
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